Exciting News
Hi friends! I hope those of you that purchased the Spinning of Deception (Book 1) are enjoying the read so far. The couple of reviews from Amazon have indicated that is the case so far. Thank you for coming along with me on this journey. I’m enjoying it so much. Please continue with me. If you haven’t started yet, I would love to have you start the Sunspear journey with me. I believe it will be worth it. Book 2 is written and in final revision right now. I hope to have it out by early March 2020.
Exciting News! See my half-page advertisement for The Spinning of Deception in Sci-Fi Magazine coming out on January 28, 2020 in their Spring 2020 issue.
Also don’t miss another opportunity to keep up with the sunspear world. Right now I’m participating in a giveaway with a group of other authors, so I would love for you to keep up with me, check my book out, and give some other great authors a chance. So here’s an awesome opportunity to do just that! Check out the link below to enter! The giveaway will run until 2/20/20.
It’s giveaway time! This one’s a big one. . . If you love to read and are looking to find new authors to enjoy, check this out and enter to win a $300 Amazon gift card! https://clcannon.net/2020/01/21/c-l-cannons-winter-bookbub-giveaway/